Because you have to begin somewhere.

Urmi Basu
1 min readMar 19, 2018

It feels a tad indulgent to begin this (blog? journey? post? we’ll see) by saying that this is an outlet for myself. I guess I feel that outlets are for those who have a hard day job solving problems that need addressing — something currently not part of my job description.

However, if there is one thing that I have learned from working over numerous grad school applications over the past one year, it‘s that it is terribly important to be in touch with one’s inner self. To truly know why you’re doing and why you are doing it. Traditionally, for me, writing has been the way to do this.

I don’t really know why I stopped writing after college but it probably had to do with the fact that action seemed to be more important than reflection in this period. I’m not saying that it wasn’t an important experience but what I am definitely saying is that I need to start reflecting and by extension — writing- again.

So there goes. The purpose of my blog is to write. Let’s just leave it at that. No lofty goals. No making the world a better place (Here). No curated lists of aesthetic objects. (For that go here). No self improvement guides (Go here instead). Just a compendium of the motley thoughts that populate my noggin. Expect only variety.

Ok. Thatsall. Bye!

